May 22, 2009

I'm 6 months old!

Some updates about me
  • I'm drinking 120ml - 170ml every 4 hourly.
  • I'm having 3 meals a day.
  • I'm sleeping through the night from 9pm - 8am with a last feed at 11pm.
  • I'm still crawling backwards now.
  • I'm able to sit a bit more stable.
  • I can stand up if I pull something.
  • I love drinking water!
  • Put anything I can lay my eyes on into my mouth.
  • I'm weighing at 8.7kg and 64.5cm tall.

Some pictures of me having my breakfast!!

I'm a messy eater, I know. Its lucky if it doesn't get into my nose!

My new sleepwear Mummy bought for me that day...

Daddy thought it was too big, but ended up its just nice! Just that the leg part is a little long. Mummy still know me best, haha..

Now that I'm finally 6 months old, I can have biscuits!

Finally I can chew on something that I can swallow, so happy! But its even messier than when I have my meals...

Playing with my socks at home..

Trying to pull the snail out, but fail to..

And my new toy....(or chew toy )

I was watching TV when Mummy came and disturb me!!

She loves to take pictures with Xiao Pang...

Daddy joined in the fun too!

And our 'Quan Jia Fu'!!

Mummy change the pictures in my blog for me! How do you like it??

Had my last 6-in-1 jab today. And I didn't cry!!! Mummy says I'm such a brave boy and she's so proud of me! Cause Doctor Goh gave me a toy to play with, and I'm too interested in the toy to notice what he was doing. So before I knew it, its done!

My next injection will be the MMR + Chickenpox at 15months. Doctor Goh says that is the new vaccine, as they combine both jabs together. So good, then I don't have to take them separately, save the pain!

By the way, Doctor Goh is really a nice doctor and he is gentle with me too! He always says "Sorry Baby" before giving me my jab, haha.. And his rates is reasonable too! Most importantly, his medicine works! But he's not a PD, just a normal GP. Mummy bring me to him because she trusts him a lot, since she's been going to him from young too. So if any of you Aunties and Uncles need his address, feel free to ask Mummy k?

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