Sep 22, 2009

XiaoPang is 10 months old!!

I'm finally 10 months old!

In 2 months time, I'll be turning 1! So exciting!! Hope to see lots of aunties, uncles, baby buddies at my birthday party..

Not much pictures lately, cause I've been sick the past few days, having fever so hasn't been going out. But luckily, Godma Joy brought Janelle mei mei over today, so I had someone to keep me company!!

Some overdue pics from the other day.

Me at coffeeshop, waiting for Mummy and Daddy to have their lunch..

My Mummy

I'm drooling looking at these!!

After lunch, Mummy brought me over to Great-Grandma's place.

Here's Phedra ah yi..

And me!!

After bath, playing with my baby oil..

Phedra ah yi's hat on me, cute??

Did I ever told you all that Grandpa bought home this motor for me??

I love riding on it!

I've recovered from my fever already, but I'm having rashes now!! And funny thing is, its only on my big tummy! Hope to recover from it soon, cause Mummy, Daddy and Grandma is very worried about me.

Mummy and Grandma had asked around for me, either the rashes could be caused by the asparagus I ate today, or it would be the after fever having rashes thing. Regarding the asparagus, cause Grandma used the bottom part to cook today, which I'm not really suppose to eat that. But either way, I'll be ok, just have to wait for the rashes to go away. Or else I'll have to pay a visit to Dr Goh!!

People say that when babies fall sick means that they are growing up. Which means I'm growing, which is a good thing!!

Mummy took my weight for me the other day, and I'm 10kg now! People who hasn't see me much says that I'm very chubby, but people who sees me often knows that I'm not!

Hope that Mummy will bring me out soon, I want to go swimming!! Mummy bought a neck float for me, and I want to try it out!!

Alright till next time!

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