Mummy had taken a lot of pictures ever since I was born. Thus, I got a lot haven't update de.. So now clearing some of them.. Speaking of which, have you seen my newborn pictures?? If you want to see, then please tell me then I could try to arrange and do a post on it ok? Thank you!
Random pics, Mummy and Grandma always disturb me with this..

This was when I was 5 months, so look a bit different from now.. haha... Totally couldn't find chance to put this up..
Playtime at home! (or more like photography session..)

Recently Mummy was going through my wardrobe when she found a cap she bought when I was young. And seeing its kind of stretchable, she tried it on me, and it looks cool!

So nice right? But too bad nowadays weather is hot and stuffy, or else I could wear it out more often. Now only can wear for short trip like to great-grandma's house then take off already.
Taking pictures in the car with Mummy...

The H1N1 is getting more and more serious so Xiaopang is going to be stuck at home lately. Cause babies and kids are more prone to be infected, so to prevent me getting it, Mummy is keeping me at home! Even she is not going out too.. The only place where I can go is to great-grandma's house now. Hopefully the virus goes off soon, cause Tyler wants to go out and meet new friends!
To all the aunties, uncles, gor gor, jie jie, please remember to take care of yourself and if possible wear a mask. When you are sick, please see a doctor and wear a mask to prevent passing it to other people.
Let's wish good health to all of us, ok?
Swine flu go away, Tyler wants to go out play...