Guess what's my new trick?
See it yet??
And I stick all these stickers on my face, MYSELF!!
Updates On My Progress
- Say/Wave goodbye/hello
- Loves dancing to music
- 50% to eating on my own
- Knows which and where is my body parts called
- Knows how to jump (although 80% my feet is still stuck on the ground)
- Likes to scribble around with pen (you have to see the walls at my home)
- Will walk to the bathroom after my meal to wash my hands (with help from mama of cos..)
- Still loves to play with my penis when I have the chance
- Is more able to make decisions, like what shoe I want to wear, what I don't want to eat
- Attempt to flag down cab when I see one
- Will pretend to eat when Mama say eat/chi
My Toddler Language:
- Daddy
- Ma ma
- Nai Nai
- Te Ta (phedra)
- Lion (not exactly but sounds almost the same)
- Ta Ta (car car)
- Mao (cat)
- Book
- Milk milk
- Bo Bo (luo buo, chinese for carrot)
- Na na (banana)
- Ball
- Hug/Bao
- Domo
- Egg egg
- Bye bye
- Ha o (hello)
- Nec (neck)
- Take
-Per per (apple)
More pics for you to see!
Me showing sleeping
Forgot what happened, but I was NOT HAPPY.
They say I'm temperamental, I guess so?
Family day with Mummy and Daddy tomorrow, I LOVE SUNDAYS!!